Classic Parallax Theme is a mobile-first responsive Drupal parallax theme. This theme has unlimited color options, user can easily customize their site design colors appearance from theme settings. It has many advanced theme settings like slider, social media links, and footer credit link.
You can quickly install Classic Parallax Theme on your existing Drupal as well. The theme package has a default configuration, content, and images. It does not require installing a third-party module.
- Drupal 8 core
- Bootstrap v3.x.x
- Mobile-first theme
- Responsive parallax theme
- Advanced in-build slider
- Implemented Sass and Compass
- Online documentation
- Advanced theme settings
- Responsive pricing tables
- Fully responsive with Bootstrap
Quick installation (Just enable theme)
The theme package has a default configuration, content, and images.
It does not require installing any third-party modules.
Unlimited color options
It has the option to edit and change the color scheme based on your corporate color scheme.
There are many pre-defined color schemes that you choose from the existing color scheme.
These changes can be made from theme settings.
Advanced theme settings